Transforming Knee Surgery: The Role of the BEAR Procedure in ACL Ligament Regeneration

Ms. Ffion L
Ms. Ffion L
Published at: 14/4/2024

Transforming Knee Surgery: The Role of the BEAR Procedure in ACL Ligament Regeneration

The BEAR Procedure

The procedure involves placing a special scaffold between the ends of the torn ACL. This scaffold is soaked in the patient’s blood before insertion, which helps to stimulate the body’s healing response and facilitate the ligament regeneration.

Benefits of BEAR

BEAR ACL repair is particularly beneficial because it preserves more of the original anatomy of the knee, which can result in better outcomes regarding movement and less long-term pain. It also reduces the need for harvesting grafts from other parts of the patient's body, lowering the risk of complications.

Patient Outcomes

Studies have shown promising results, with patients experiencing faster recovery times and returning to their pre-injury activity levels more quickly than traditional ACL reconstruction patients.


BEAR ACL repair is a groundbreaking step towards more natural and less invasive knee surgery. As this technology continues to develop, it offers hope for more effective and patient-friendly ACL treatments.

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