The Functionality and Impact of Force Decks in Sports Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

Miss Charlotte Barker
MSK Associate
Published at: 26/12/2023

The Functionality and Impact of Force Decks in Sports Medicine: A Comprehensive Review


In the dynamic world of sports medicine, the pre-screening of athletes is pivotal for optimising performance and preventing injuries. Force decks, an innovative tool in biomechanical analysis, have emerged as a key element in this process. These platforms provide detailed insights into an athlete's biomechanics, transforming the approach to training and injury prevention.

The Role of Force Decks in Athlete Pre-Screening

Force decks measure the ground reaction forces generated by an athlete's movements, offering essential data on biomechanical properties, including strength, balance, and symmetry.

  1. Identifying Biomechanical Asymmetries: Asymmetries can predispose athletes to injury. Force decks detect imbalances, allowing for targeted interventions to correct these asymmetries before they lead to injury.

  2. Assessing Balance and Stability: Balance and stability are crucial in sports. Force decks provide quantitative data on an athlete's balance under various conditions, vital for sports requiring high coordination and stability.

  3. Evaluating Jumping Mechanics: In sports with key jumping components, force decks analyse the mechanics of an athlete's jump, assessing take-off force, landing mechanics, and movement symmetry, crucial for preventing lower limb injuries.

  4. Monitoring Fatigue and Recovery: Force decks can monitor an athlete's response to training loads, identifying signs of fatigue. This aids in planning training and ensuring adequate recovery, reducing overuse injuries.

  5. Customising Training Regimens: Data from force decks allows for tailored training programs, optimising performance potential while minimising injury risk.

Implementing Force Decks in Sports Settings

  1. Integration with Other Technologies: For comprehensive pre-screening, force decks are used alongside technologies like motion capture systems and wearable sensors.

  2. Routine Assessments: Incorporating force deck assessments into routine pre-season and in-season screenings helps in continuously monitoring an athlete’s biomechanical health.

  3. Collaborative Approach: The use of force decks should involve a multidisciplinary team, ensuring a well-rounded approach to athlete care.

Case Studies and Research

Research in sports medicine often employs force decks to study athletic performance and injury mechanisms. Studies in sports like football and basketball have used force deck data to understand the mechanics behind common injuries, leading to more effective prevention strategies.


Force decks represent a significant advancement in the pre-screening of athletes. They enable sports professionals to tailor training and prevention strategies to each athlete's unique needs, enhancing performance and reducing injury risk.

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