Mastering Mobility: A Patient's Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Adductor Tendinopathy

Mastering Mobility: A Patient's Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Adductor Tendinopathy


Experiencing groin pain can be distressing and may signal a condition known as adductor tendinopathy. Common among athletes and physically active individuals, this condition affects the tendons in the thigh, leading to discomfort and impacting mobility. At MSK Doctors, we specialise in diagnosing and treating such musculoskeletal disorders, ensuring a return to optimal health and activity levels.

What is Adductor Tendinopathy?

Adductor tendinopathy is a musculoskeletal condition characterised by pain and tenderness in the inner thigh or groin area. This condition arises when the tendons attaching the thigh muscles to the pelvis become strained, inflamed, or irritated. Often seen in sports that require quick changes of direction or intense physical exertion, understanding this condition is pivotal in seeking appropriate treatment.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Key symptoms of adductor tendinopathy include pain during movement, tenderness on touching the affected area, and stiffness in the groin or thigh. Early diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. At MSK Doctors, our specialists utilise advanced diagnostic methods, including MRI scans, to accurately identify the condition and tailor a treatment plan to individual needs.

Treatment Options

Treatment for adductor tendinopathy typically involves a combination of rest, physical therapy, and in some cases, medication to reduce pain and inflammation. Our team at MSK Doctors, with expertise in regenerative medicine, also explores advanced options like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell treatments to promote healing and reduce recovery time.

Prevention and Management

Preventative measures for adductor tendinopathy focus on regular stretching, strengthening exercises, and adopting correct techniques during sports or physical activities. Patient education on maintaining muscle balance and flexibility is also a key aspect of our approach at MSK Doctors, ensuring long-term joint health and mobility.

FAQ Section

Q1: What causes adductor tendinopathy?

A1: Adductor tendinopathy is often caused by overuse, particularly in sports that involve running, jumping, or rapid changes in direction. It can also result from an imbalance in muscle strength or flexibility.

Q2: How long does it take to recover from adductor tendinopathy?

A2: Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the condition and the treatment approach. Generally, with proper rest and therapy, patients can expect improvement within a few weeks.

Q3: Can adductor tendinopathy be prevented?

A3: Yes, by maintaining good muscle strength and flexibility, adopting proper sports techniques, and avoiding overexertion, one can reduce the risk of developing adductor tendinopathy.

Q4: Is surgery necessary for treating adductor tendinopathy?

A4: Surgery is rarely required for adductor tendinopathy. Most cases respond well to conservative treatments such as physical therapy, rest, and regenerative medicine techniques.

Q5: Are there any exercises I can do at home for adductor tendinopathy?

A5: Yes, gentle stretching and strengthening exercises can aid recovery. However, it's crucial to consult with a specialist at MSK Doctors to ensure these exercises are appropriate for your specific condition.


Adductor tendinopathy, while a common issue among athletes, can be effectively managed and treated with the right approach. At MSK Doctors, our commitment is to provide patient-centred care, utilising the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment, ensuring a swift return to your active lifestyle.